Why we use C?

C  language  is very powerful high level language and widely use language.some of popular language are C++, Java, Ada, BASIC, PASCAL, COBOL, FORTRAN, SMALLTALK, VISUAL BASIC,.etc..
These all are high level languages, where as C is a middle level Language..

Why we use C language reason:-

  1. It allows you direct control over the very low level aspects of the computer.
  2. Many legacy programs are written in C.
  3.  C is a very old language that is since 1972, and hence number of the applications are  available in C.
  4.  C is a small language. because C has only 32 keywords and 20 of them are in common use. Hence learning C is more easy when compared to any other  high level language.
  5. Most of the things you learn with C will be directly transferable to future programming languages.
  6. Programs that are created with C run very quickly.
  7. It is closer to hardware and number of the common programming languages(ex: C++,Java,etc..) are based on C  and  Operating Systems(ex: Linux) is developed using C.

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